I-Machines are the general term for robots that operate in extreme environments. While Alliance Academy student Mikuri Maya is in the middle of operating an I-Machine, she gets involved in an incident with pirates and ends up serving as a crew member on an excavation company's spaceship.I-Machine——那是在极限环境下作业的大型机器人的总称。 联盟学院学生三栗麻耶在使用I-Machine的途中被卷入事故, 得到驾驶着I-Machine、如同海贼一般挖掘欧利哈特矿石的埃斯卡维特公司的宇宙船的帮助,并演变成要身为公司的一员进行工作的局面……。 在各有特点的成员们当中生活的同时,麻耶开始逐渐了解何为“人类”。
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